How to find Postal codes using the Royal Mail Postcode Finder

If you want to send mail or parcel to people in the United Kingdom, you need to provide the correct postcode of the destination address. If you are not sure about the postcode of the area, you can use the postcode finder service of Royal Mail to find the correct postcode of the region. The Royal Mail offers many more online services like branch finder, online tracking, redirection and postal price finder to its customers. To use the postcode finder service, you will have to access the official website of Royal Mail and provide the required details such as street number, building name, building number and the town.

About Royal Mail

Royal Mail is a community limited company owned by the British Government. The company provides mail, parcel and courier services to the citizens of UK living in Great Britain and Northern Ireland.

Requirements to find postcodes using Royal Mail postcode finder

  • A PC or laptop with a stable internet connection
  • UK address with unidentified postcode

Detailed Instructions

  1. To find postcode using Royal Mail postcode finder, go to
  2. Enter the following details in the displayed page
    1. Building number
    2. Building name
    3. Street Name
    4. Town
    5. After entering the details, click on ‘Find a postcode’ button to get the postcode for the address provided.
    6. A person can do a maximum of 50 postcode searches per day.
    7. If you want to search for postcode using the business name or flat number, click on the ‘detailed search’ link located below the ‘Find a postcode’ button
    8. In the detailed search option, you will be required to provide the following details
      1. Business name
      2. Flat number
      3. Building number
      4. Building name
      5. Street name
      6. Town
      7. If you are still having trouble finding the postcode, you can call Royal Mail in the numbers listed.