How To Using Mail Rewards To Get Cash Back On Your Insurance

If you are able to get cash back for your insurance and do shopping with that amount, you would be one happy person. If you want to get such cash back, you can go ahead and join the mail rewards club. By joining the mail rewards club, you will be entitled to accrue mail points and as the mail points increase, so will your benefits.

About Mail Rewards Club

Mail Rewards club is the biggest newspaper rewards club in Britain. Its members have earned more than £30m in rewards since September 2012. Joining the mail rewards club is a way to get mail points and use those points to make purchases. In this post, we will look at how you can enroll yourself for the mail rewards program online.

Requirements to join mail rewards club

A PC with a stable internet connection


  1. To join the Mail Rewards Club, go to
  2. In the page you will have two options to pick from, ‘Already a Member’ or ‘Not yet a Member’.
  3. Click on ‘Not yet a Member’ to register for the program
  4. In the following page, you will have to provide your personal information.
  5. Select your title from the drop box
  6. Enter your First Name and Surname
  7. Fill in your date of birth and your email id
  8. Enter your communication address along with your postcode
  9. Enter your mobile and telephone number
  10. Choose a password that is between 6 to 10 characters and confirm it
  11. Answer the three questions in the page that will help the website get more information about you.
  12. Read the terms and conditions, and click the ‘I have read and agree to the Terms and Conditions’ radio box.
  13. Click on Submit to complete the registrations process.