How to Update Your Pandora Online Account Profile

If you have any problem with your own profile setting you want to create another account then you don’t need it. You can easily update you old account by editing its settings. Here is a process of changing your account


  • You have registered account to access your online profile


  • Visit this site and access the online entertainment services easily.
  • To edit your profile setting you must have and account first create your account and login to account by clicking on the option “Account” present on the page.
  • After that enter your login detail like username and password to get into account, if your login detail will be correct then you will access the account.
  • In you account click on the option “View Your Profile” and access the detail of your profile information.
  • Now start editing you account information by clicking on the option “Edit” and for the detail “About” you can here change your name and other personal information easily.
  • You can update your email address, address , music interests and lots of other information’s.
  • Here is option for “Email Preferences” click on it if you want edit these details easily.
  • If you want to change the setting commenting services then click on “Comment Preferences” option to change your settings


  • If you want to change some changes in your profile then you have option to change your settings.
  • You can change your password and username whenever you need to change these information

About Company:

Pandora is online radio transmission service to provide you best music channels easily. Here you can create your account and subscribe your channels of entertainment. You can access this service at your devices to enjoy its services.