How to register with Vtech University for Scholarships

Vtech University is an online portal that was created by VTech to provide scholarships to deserving children.  Vtech is the largest cordless manufacturer in the world and also manufactures Electronic learning products. Vtech began manufacturing electronic learning programs in the year 1980 and it has brought out various electronic learning products that have changed the way people learn. They also provide scholarships to children through their VTEch Online University. You can register at the online university in just a few simple steps and can submit your application for scholarship.

About Vtech

Vtech is the world’s largest manufacturer of cordless phones and is one of the top 50 electronic manufacturing service providers in the world. The company also manufactures electronic learning products (ELPs) and it was founded in the year 1976. The company has its headquarters in Hong Kong and employs about 37,000 employees. Vtech University is an online portal of Vtech that provides scholarship to children.

Requirements to register with Vtech University and get a Scholarship

  • A PC or laptop with a stable and secure internet connection

Detailed Guide:

  1. To register at Vtech University, go to
  2. Click on ‘Register Now’ link at the top right corner of the page
  3. Enter the following details in the displayed form
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Address
    4. City
    5. Select State
    6. Zip Code
    7. Email address
    8. Preferred password
    9. Select if you want to receive Club VTech Newsletter
    10. Click on ‘Sign Up’ button to complete the registration process
    11. Now go back to the home page and click on ‘Member Sign In’ link
    12. Enter your login email address and password in the relevant boxes.
    13. Click on ‘Sign In’ button to access your account.