Whether you are an individual who is looking for a site to put up items for sale or you own a business in any area around Bellingham, you will certainly benefit if you sign up for an account on Craigslist Bellingham. This is a site that offers ad listing services under different categories. Craigslist offers high exposure and targeted audience to your site. You could target people of a specific community or even a neighborhood through this portal. If you wish to save on money when advertising online, but wish to gain high exposure, this portal will offer the right platform for your business advertising needs.
About Craigslist
Craigslist by definition is a classified advertisement site. There are about 600 sites which cater to different cities across fifty countries and more. The layout of the site is simple and easy when it comes to finding any specific service or product under any category. There are sections that are devoted to housing, jobs, items for sale, gigs, discussion forums, resumes, and services of many other categories. This company is a web based enterprise that has over two billion US dollar turnover every year. It is one of the most profitable startup ventures to sustain a profitable online presence.
How To Register For An Account At Craigslist Bellingham
When you register for an account at Craigslist Bellingham, there are several benefits awaiting you. You will be able to post ads, draft and save them for later, review them and publish them in your own time. You will be able to receive updates from the Craigslist community, participate in the discussion forums and so forth. The process of registering for an account is a simple one:
- Log onto the official site of Craigslist Bellingham as per the link provided below
- When the main page opens, find the link to My Account on the left hand side of the page
- Upon clicking on this link, you will be taken to the login page
- If you wish to create an account, you will find the link on this page
- You will be prompted for your email address
- You will receive a validation link in your inbox
- Upon clicking on this, you will be asked to choose a password for your account
- After you have chosen a password and retyped it, you will be asked to agree to the terms and conditions
- Once that is done, you would have successfully registered an account on the site.
Useful Links:
- Web page of Craigslist Bellingham – bellingham.craigslist.org
- Home page – http://bellingham.craigslist.org/
- About Craigslist: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craigslist