The Work Number is a vast database that stores information about millions of employees. Organizations and employers use this database to verify information about various candidates. In order to access the website of The Work Number, you need to have an account with their website. If you are a new user you need to Login and complete a risk-based authentication. For this you should click on Login and then give a username and password. This password is your PIN number. Next you need to select a personal security image. After that you need to answer a series of 6 personal questions. Next, you should submit your personal phone number. You should give a genuine phone number because they may call you in order to verify the authenticity of your number and identity. This completes the employee login.
The Work Number is a verification database that contains details about employees and their salary. It is an employment database which works on a user-paid verification system. This database was put together by TALX Corporation which was later on acquired by another company named Equifax Inc. This was in the year 2007. To get information from The Work Number you need to make a request. The site produces information about a person’s employment and his salary. In order gain this result, the requester should pay a certain prefixed fees. And for paying the fee, the requester has to answer a list of questions that would be personal in nature. The Work Number is utilized by more than 50,000 organizations in order to verify information related to employment.
How To Complete The Employee Login To The Work Number?
In order to complete the employee login to The Work Number, you should visit their official website and log in using your ID.
- Visit the official website of The Work Number.
- Click on the Login and begin your risk-based authentication.
- You will be asked to select a user ID and password.
- Next, you will be asked whether you would like them to remember your computer. If you select yes you do not need to login all the time.
- Next, you should select a personal security image. You will be given a series of images to choose from. You should select one and remember it for future use.
- Next, you will be asked to answer 6 personal questions.
- Next, you will have to verify all the information you had been entering so far.
- This will finish your registration.
- Now you can use your account to get the information you need.
Useful Links:
- The Work Number Employee Page:
- The Work Number home page:
- Information about The Work Number: