How To Manage Your CitiMortgage Account Online

Owning a home is one of the great desires of most people. There are many financial options that one could choose from; you can choose to buy the house or own the house through Mortgage. Most banks offer Mortgages at fair prices, one of those banks is Citi Bank. This is a bank that offers you an opportunity to own a home by giving you fair mortgage rates. You can apply for home loan with the bank in person but you will be required to open an online account with them. What is interesting before you can sign to the Mortgage policy; you will receive free consultation from the Citi bank team. The mortgage rates are usually calculated in terms of the amount of money you earn.

About CitiMortgage

CitiMortgage is a service that is provided by Citi bank. Citi bank is one of the oldest banks in the United States having been founded in 1812. The first bank was opened in New York with Samuel Osgood as the first president of the bank. However, the ownership and the management of the bank was taken over by Moses Taylor. In 1863, the bank became the National City bank after they joined the United States national banking system.

Due to its many customers in different branches, the bank was declared the largest bank in America in 1868. It was the first ever bank in the United Sates to ever establish a foreign department. The foreign department became operational in 1897. It was also the first bank to ever open a branch outside America having opened a branch in Argentina in 1914.In 1921 Charles Mitchell got elected as the president of the bank. He later became the chairman of the bank in 1929. He held the position for 4 years. During this period the bank opened up to a hundred branches in 23 different countries outside United States.

The bank introduced many products like the Citi card that was designed with customer in mind. With this card customers were allowed to make transactions without any passbook. The bank ventured into the credit card business in the 1960s.

How To Log In To Your CitiMortgage Account

  • Go to the CitiMortgage link provided
  • On the left hand side of the page; enter your user name
  • Enter your password
  • Click on sign

Useful Links

Official CitiMortgage link:

Official Citi Bank website:

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