Quia has many resources which come of use for teachers as well as students. There are educational as well as entertaining resources on this site. You can play different activities as well as take part in quizzes. These are fun ways to test your knowledge level on different subjects. The site also allows teachers to create assignments, tests and upload grades. As a result, students can view their grades, activity results, examination calendars, take part in surveys, and other activities through this site. By creating a web login access, this portal assures a secure online platform for such activities.
About Quia
Quia is known to have an extensive collection for educational templates and tools. You will be able to create different types of activities, quizzes, games and surveys. These are invaluable resources for the teachers. There are different question banks, web pages and surveys which are in the form of standard or customizable templates. Educators and schools across seventy countries are known to subscribe to this educational portal. The kind of educational tools available includes sixteen types of online activity templates. You can make use of an online testing system which is available on this portal. You will be able to receive grades and feedback automatically. It is great for students and teachers. There are class web pages which exist on this portal where classes can send across announcements to students.
How To Login To Quia Web
When you visit the Quia website, you will need to find the link to the Quia web access. The process to sign up on this portal is easy. The basic steps are explained below:
- You need to find the link to the official Quia web site
- Here you will find the link to Quia Web access
- When you come to the Quia web login page, you can select or create an account for free
- You need to know that a free account is available for trial for 30 days only
- When the registration page opens, you need to select the kind of account you want, that of a student or a teacher
- The remaining details needed would be that of a username and password, first name, last name and email address
- These are all the details required to complete registering an account on Quia Web
Useful Links:
- Web address of Quia – www.quia.com
- FAQs – http://www.quia.com/faq.html
- Home page – http://www.quia.com/