Termites can be a major nuisance for home owners, landlords, and renters. However, if you take proactive measures you might be able to treat for termites yourself without having to hire an expensive professional. There are many different types of treatment options for termites which may be effective depending on your home, and the type of termite infestation. The two primary methods to treat termites are conventional treatment and Exterior Perimiter Plus Localized Interior Treatment (AKA EP/LI).
Conventional Termite Treatment
Conventional treatment has been around for over 50 years, and is a common way to treat for termites. This treatment seeks to all potential areas where termites could enter the home, and is considered to be the most extensive and effective liquid treatment for termites. This treatment typically includes treating the soil on both sides of foundation walls, voids in cinder blocks in the foundation, as well as the soil under plumbing areas in slabs and bath traps. It requires a lot of work because you are trying to gain access to areas that can be difficult to access to complete a liquid treatment. Drilling is often required in foundation walls or other areas as their is no other way to access these hidden areas.
Exterior Perimiter Plus Localized Interior Treatment (EP/LI)
As you might have guessed EP/LI focuses on treating the exterior subterranean perimeter of the residence. It also involves significantly less drilling and work then a conventional termite treatment. While less exhaustive then conventional treatment, it will often do the job if the termite infestation is not completely out of hand. Since most termites come in through the home from the outside, this can be an effective treatment, but multiple applications may be necessary to completely eradicate or reduce the termite population. Keep in mind that only certain termiticides are permitted to be used as an EP/LI application. Interior treatments are usually not required unless there are termites living inside which can be detected with a thorough inspection of the premises. Some termiticides claim a 60% or higher reduction rate with one application utilizing EP/LI. Results may vary based on pesticide and application.
Tips & Warnings
- Calculate the necessary amount of termiticide prior to treating, based on lineal feet.
- Ensure your pesticide is approved for how you intend to use it
- Use safety googles and chemical gloves during the application
- Keep pets, animals, and children away from treatment areas during and after application
Video for Termite Treatment Process:
[youtube id=”7mInoSPnPoE” width=”600″ height=”350″]