The number of people using credit cards, debit cards and prepaid cards are increasing at a very rapid rate. People prefer to carry cards when compared to money, as it is a lot safer and convenient. If you are a person who has low credit score, you may not be able to get yourself a credit card. However, you can get yourself a Prepaid Card or a Debit Card that will serve the purpose of a credit card. There are many services offered by banks and financial institutions that offer cards and one such offer is the mobile access of your card account provided by US Bank under the name ReliaCard
ReliaCard is a service of US Bank that provides mobile related services to the customers of US Bank. Prepaid cards offered by US Bank can be purchased by anyone, provided they are residents of U.S or are living in the U.S. Unlike credit cards, there is no credit rating check and therefore, people who have a poor credit rating can also get a prepaid card from US Bank.
Requirements to register for ReliaCard on
- A Pc or laptop with a secure internet connection
- US Bank Prepaid Card
- Mobile number registered to the account
- To register for ReliaCard, go to
- Click on ‘First time user’ link
- In the page displayed, enter the following details
- Card Number
- Card Verification Number
- Enter the security image characters in the box and click on ‘continue’
- Follow the instructions on screen to complete the registration process.
- Ensure that you provide the mobile number that has been registered with US Bank.
- After registration, you can use the username and password provided during the registration to log in to the ReliaCard Account.