The Internet has provided a means for individuals to work online and even at the comfort of their own homes. is one of the top websites that allows freelance workers and other professionals to find work online and offer their services for part time or full-time work to employers who are also registered on oDesk.
Interested individuals who would like to become remote workers can simply use a computer or laptop and work from home while being paid with the rate they have agreed upon.
Being part of the online workforce of oDesk takes only a few minutes of registration and updating one’s profile.
Founded back in 2003 by the Greek entrepreneurs and friends Stratis Karamanlakis and Odysseas Tsatalos, oDesk was created as a working platform which allowed teams to distribute their tasks to other workers available online.
All the communication for finding and getting a job as well as the payment is made online through secure methods, and freelancers can find long-term work through sending applications to the employers they are interested in working for. The registered users of oDesk can interact with each other through messages and can facilitate the work by e-mail exchanges as well.
As of 2012, the website is the largest online job marketplace where employers and independent professionals can establish as well as fulfill new work arrangements.
How to Find Online Freelance Jobs:
Make sure you have an e-mail address for work correspondence, a computer or laptop, and a reliable Internet connection before following these step-by-step instructions:
- Click on this link to get to the oDesk website:
- At the top of the page, click on “Find Work.”
- Scroll down a little to get to the middle portion of the page and click on the “Sign up. It’s free” button at the right side.
- Click on “Sign up” underneath “I need a job.”
- Create your Freelancer Account on the next page by entering your complete name, e-mail address, username, and password. Select your country from the drop down box as well.
- Type in the CAPTCHA.
- Click on the “Get Started” button.
- Check your e-mail for an activation link and update your freelancer profile to begin looking for work.
More Information:
- Support from oDesk:
- Terms and policies: