How to maintain healthy skin (for men and women)

Everyone loves to have a skin that is vibrant and healthy, from the outside, and inside. There are many skin tips you can find to help you keep your skin healthy from simple natural methods to the use of cosmetic products. The number of skin products for women that are available in the market is much more when compared to that of men. However, men beauty products are fast becoming popular and therefore more men skincare products are now available in the market. There are a few tips that men and women can use to ensure that their skin is healthy and vibrant.

Tips to maintain healthy skin for both men and women:

  1. It is important to protect your skin from the sun as it can cause wrinkles, age spots and skin problems. The risk of skin cancer is also increased by prolonged exposure of the skin to the sun.
  2. Use sunscreen whenever you head out of your home. Sunscreen has to be used in all climatic conditions and ensure that the sunscreen you use has a minimum SPF of 15.
  3. In hot conditions where you are perspiring profusely, reapply sunscreen once every two hours.
  4. Try to stay indoors between 10 am to 4 pm. This is when the sun is at its strongest and can cause skin damage.
  5. Use protective clothing to cover your skin when outdoors. Using long sleeved shirts, wide brimmed hats and long pants will help reduce exposure of skin to the sun.
  6. Ensure that you get some sun on your skin, but in moderation levels. The early rays of the sun are less harmful and are considered to be rich in vitamin D, which is good for skin.
  7. Avoid smoking at all costs. Smoking will make you skin look older and will lead to wrinkles forming on the skin.
  8. Always be gentle with your skin and avoid using strong soaps that can strip oil from your skin. Use mild cleansers and limit your bath time to keep your skin fresh.
  9. Avoid using hot water and pat yourself dry after a bath
  10. Be careful while shaving and avoid shaving against hair growth
  11. If your skin is dry, use a moisturizer with SPF frequently
  12. Stress can cause acne and encourage formation of wrinkles on your skin. Try to manage your stress to keep you skin healthy
  13. The diet you intake has a profound influence on your skin. Consume a diet that is rich in lean proteins, vegetable, fruits and whole grains.
  14. Reduce you sugar intake, especially ‘false’ sugars like the sugars present in candy and soda.

Video Instructions:

Famed model and actress Pooja Batra asks expert dermatologist Dr. Sonia Batra about tips for keeping your skin looking healthy.  See below:

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