How to build a homemade solar panel

As people look to renewable sources for power, the popularity of solar power generators have been increasing. Solar power panels are cheap and reliable alternative power source that can be installed by you if you are handy at handling tools. It is not possible to build a solar panel on your own using simple materials that are available in your homes or those that can be purchased from hardware stores.

Requirements to build a homemade solar panel

  • Plywood (preferably 3/8 inch)
  • Solar Cells
  • Ruler
  • Pencil
  • Circular Saw
  • Drill
  • Soldering Gun
  • Silicone Caulk
  • Solder
  • Basic Tools

Step by step instructions

  1. Procure the required number of solar cells either from the local store or from an online store.
  2. Solder the solar cells together by laying out the solar cells on a flat surface. The number of solar cells to be soldered together will depend on the size of the panel you intend to build
  3. Each row can have 12 cells and make three rows to make the total number of solar cells to 36.
  4. To solder the solar cell rows together, you will have to add some tabbing wire strips to the front side of your end runs.

Video Instructions: