Credit Cards are gaining in popularity due to the many advantages that credit cards possess. The advent of credit cards has changes the way people shop as most retail transactions that happen around the world are through credit cards. Banks, credit card companies and financial institutions usually provide their own branded credit cards. However, a few retail stores with the help of credit card issuing companies or banks will provide customized credit cards to their customers. These credit cards will have great benefits when you shop for the services of products of the store using the customized credit card.
Sears Credit card is issued by Citibank and will give you discounts when used in Sears stores. You will earn one Sears Point for every dollar that you spend at Sears stores. These points can be redeemed at Sears stores for discounts and products. To apply for a sears credit card at scroll down and follow our step by step guide.
About Sears
Sears is one of the largest retailers in America and provides retail services through a variety of stores such as Sears Grand Essentials, Sears Department Stores, Sears Outlets, Sears Hardware Stores, etc. Sears was founded in the year 1983 and has more than 2248 stores across USA, Mexico and Canada. Sears is a multinational mid range department store that sells clothing, footwear, appliances, tools, electronics, jewelry, footwear, furniture, beauty products and house-wares.
Requirements to apply for Sears Credit Card
- A PC or laptop with a stable and secure internet connection
- Social Security Number
- Must be 18 years or older
- Personal and contact information
Detailed Guide
- To apply for Sears Credit Card, go to
- Under Featured Cards Section, you will find Sears Card
- Click on ‘Apply Now’ button
- Provide the details asked for in the form carefully
- Click on ‘continue’ and follow the instructions on screen to complete the application process.