You might wonder why opt for Visa Prepaid cards. When you visit this site you will realize that it is a safer alternative than using checks or cash. You could lose cash or you could misplace a check. That would lead to endless worries. When you use credit card, you often lose track of the amount you spend and the credit you build up over time. Visa prepaid is a safer option than these payment methods. It is a great way to handle everyday expenses. You will be able to keep a tab on the amount you spend. As you fill in the card from before, your spending amount gets budgeted from the beginning.
About Visa
This is an American multinational financial services corporation that is headquartered in Foster City, California. The company facilities electronic fund transfers throughout the world through Visa branded credit cards and debit cards. Visa offers its branded payment products to the different financial institutions. These organizations in turn issue cards that have Visa brand imprinted on the same. The payment products that Visa offers are credit, debit, cash access and prepaid programs. The company has more than 38% market share in the marketplace for credit cards. It commands over sixty percent of the debit card marketplace in US itself. The global network of this company processes 62 billion transactions. The company conducts operations across all continents.
How To Access Visa Prepaid Payment Services
Are you wondering how to access the prepaid payment services online? You need to follow the steps below:
- Log onto the official site of Visa Prepaid card
- Here you will find the link to getting a prepaid card
- If you already have a prepaid card, you can gain online registration access
- The online registration access is easy. You need to be prepared with the prepaid card at the time of online registration
- Fill in the prepaid card number as provided on the card
- You need to add your name as found on the card
- Mention the security pin as given on the card
- You need to provide the last four digits of your social security number as well
Once you have filled in these details, your account will be created. You can check your transactions, print out statements and make changes in your account information. If you are registering for a card for the first time, you need to pay the amount required to acquire such a card.
Visa Gift Cards:
- Bank of America
- Bank of America Emergency Contingency Card
- Bank of America Emergency Relief Card
- Bank of America Supply Shelf Card
- BankPlus
- BBVA Compass Reward Card
- Bellco Credit Union
- Commerce Bank
- Ent Federal Credit Union
- First Citizens Bank
- First Citizens Bank Web Sales
- Florida Telco Credit Union
- Greater Texas Federal Credit Union
- IBC Gift Card
- Innovative Card Services
- IronStone
- Metro Bank Visa Gift Card
- My Gift Card
- Navy Federal Credit Union
- Navy Federal Credit Union Marine Relief Bulk Ordering
- Navy Federal Credit Union Marine Relief Card
- Old National Bank
- Old National Bank Web Sales
- SunTrust Bank Web Sales
- The Golden 1 Credit Union
- UMB Bank
- Utah Community Credit Union
- Washington State Employees Credit Union
- Wescom Credit Union
Visa Corporate Gift Cards:
- Bank of America Visa Gift Card
- BBVA Compass Reward Card
- SunTrust Bank Branch Sales
- TCF Visa Gift Card
- Wachovia Business Incentive Card
- Wachovia Bulk Gift Web Sales
Visa Payroll Cards:
- ADP TotalPay
- ADP TotalPay FDIC
- Bank of America CashPay Visa Card
- Commerce DirectCheck
- Compass PaySource Card
- IBC Payroll Card
- Innovative Card Services PayCard
Visa Teen Cards:
- Navy Federal Credit Union Visa Buxx
- Innovative Card Services Buxx
- Susquehanna Bank Teen Card
Visa Reloadable Cards:
- Bank of America Commercial Prepaid Card – Business
- Bank of America Commercial Prepaid Card – Personal
- Bank of America Emergency Relief Limited Reloadable Card
- Capital Federal True Blue Money
- IBC Cash Card
- Innovative Card Services Reloadable Card
- Innovative Card Services TravelMoney Card
- Member Access Pacific Prepaid
- Old National Bank TravelMoney Card
- SunTrust Bank CSV Upload
- Wachovia Business Pre-Paid Card
Useful Links
- Visa prepaid card site:
- About Visa: