It is important for every child to have an education. That is the reason why the Alabama Connecting Classrooms, Educators and Student Statewide (ACCESS) launched the Distance learning online program in public high schools. Before you can access the many courses offered you will have to register for an account. Once you log in to the desire2learn portal you will easily access the online courses that are offered.
About ACCESS Distance Learning powered
ACCESS distance learning is an initiative that was launched back in 2004 with the mission to provide education to students in public high schools who didn’t have access to the various courses. The distance learning initiative was launched after an intense research that was conducted on distance learning by Governor Rob Riley’s task force. The program has made it possible for all the public schools in Alabama regardless of their zip codes to access education programs easily. There are local community schools in Alabama that don’t have the ability to hire qualified teachers to teach subjects like calculus. However, with ACCESS distance learning it is now possible for the said schools to access courses that will be taught by high qualified teachers. All the teachers employed at ACCESS have a teaching certificate from Alabama.
The students can take the courses online or through the Interactive Videoconferencing (IVC). The IVC is made possible through the statewide network. ACCESS has three support centers that are chosen by the state. The centers are designed to hire, train and evaluate teachers, coordinate schedules and calendars of the school systems, monitor the courses and ensure that all students receive high quality education. Troy University, the University of Alabama and the Madison City schools ACCESS centers, provide the instructional and the technical support that is needed to run the program. The ACCESS distance learning program is based on the SEAL network that is operated by Troy University.
How To Log In To The Desire2learn Portal
Before you can access your online courses you will be required to have your courses entered in to the system by your facilitator. To be able to access the portal, JavaScript and the cookies must enabled on your computer
- Go to the official ACCESS log in page via the desire2learn website link
- Once the page opens, enter your username; you will be assigned your username by your facilitator.
- Enter your password
- Click on log in
Useful Links
- The official ACCESS log in link:
- Desire2Learn Website: