When you wish to advertise in Craigslist St Louis, you will find the site an easy one to use. The front page of Craigslist St Louis has the different categories advertised while the different regions and neighborhoods in St Louis are mentioned on the right hand panel if you wish to put up location specific ads. There are unique advantages to advertise on Craigslist St Louis. This site will allow you to post an ad under any category, and you will be able to target specific localities in a region as well. That way, you can be assured that the people who view your ad and come over to your site are in need of your products or services.
About Craigslist St Louis
The founder of Craigslist, Craig Newmark, started an email distribution list, which was circulated among friends in San Francisco Bay Area. It then went on to become a web based service that catered to different cities and regions as well. Today Craigslist sites are spread over 50 countries and cover more than five hundred cities across the world. For every city or region, the layout of Craigslist is similar. You will be able to post in the classified section without registering an account even. However, if you wish to be a part of the Craigslist community and post ads for several locations, it is best to register an account here.
How To Register To Craigslist St Louis
When you are looking to register an account on Craigslist St. Louis, you will need to follow the steps mentioned below:
- Find a computer which has internet access
- Log onto the official site of Craigslist St. Louis as per the link given below
- You will find the link to register on the left hand side panel of the page
- On clicking on My Account link, you will be taken to the login page of Craigslist
- Here you will find the link to register for a new account
- You will be prompted for a valid email address when you wish to register for a new account
- A validation link will be sent to your email which you need to click on to be redirected to the account creation page
- Here you need to choose a password and agree to the terms and conditions of the site
Once these steps are completed, your account on Craigslist would be successfully created.
Useful Links:
- Main page of Craigslist St. Louis – stlouis.craigslist.org
- Web link of Craigslist St. Louis – http://stlouis.craigslist.org/
- About Craigslist – http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Craigslist