Craigslist Inland Empire offers free listing service for businesses and individuals who are looking to advertise their business or service in and around this area. This site offers a simple and direct layout by which people who are looking for businesses and services under different categories can quickly find what they are looking for. The specialty of this ad listing service is the localised and targeted ad listing it offers. If you own a business in and around Inland Empire, you can advertise on Craigslist Inland Empire to get targeted traffic and audience to your site or business.
About Craigslist
Every Craigslist site belongs to a successful start up venture that was started in 1995. Craig Newmark started the service as an email distribution list that he circulated among friends in San Francisco Bay Area. It later on went to become a web based service that included services and businesses of different categories. Every Craigslist site caters to a city or area. Today it covers more than six hundred cities spread across 50 countries. It is considered to be one of the most successful start ups as per its market valuation, cultural impact, revenue or growth. Every Craigslist site offers different listing services such as personals for sale, housing, job postings, gigs, discussion forums and others.
Process To Register And Login To Craigslist Inland Empire
If you wish to make use of the different tools and features of Craigslist Inland Empire, you need to follow the process described below to register here:
- Visit the main site of Craigslist Inland Empire
- Here you will find the link to create an account
- On clicking this link, you will be asked to key in a valid email address
- You will be mailed a confirmation link to your email address
- On verifying your email address you can proceed to choose a password
- Once you have chosen a password and retyped it, you need to agree with the terms and conditions of the site to proceed
- You will be part of the Craigslist community after registration
Once you are a registered member, you can not only make ad posting, you will be able to manage your posts, save your posts in draft form, participate in the discussion forum and be updated to the latest happenings via newsletters from Craigslist.
Useful Links:
- We page of Craigslist Inland Empire –
- Home page –
- Help page –