How to Use Office Max Survey To Win $5 Discount

Do you want discount shopping? Take this survey and give easy answers to get the discount for your shopping. This survey will take you few seconds and you will be the winner of discount.

What We Have?

  • Shopping receipt
  • All details enter on the page by receipt
  • Don’t use fake information

What To Follow?

  • To take this survey to share your feelings.
  • On the page enter the survey code, date and time and after that you have to press the button “Start”
  • After that you will be ask some question about the services that you have taken at their ends.
  • You can choose the best answers by choosing the multiple answers.
  • After completing the survey click on “Submit” button.

Why To Use?

  • Get discount offer for you next purchase
  • Win $5 discount on winning the survey
  • You are free to share your feeling for their services and product.

Company’s Services:

Office Max is authentic name for purchasing office accessories. Company is giving you the best office accessory to give you comfort at you office and make you office look adorable.Company was situated at 1988 and now this company is considered as the one of the best office supplier company.
