Purchases made using credit cards have been rising steadily over the years. With the advent of online banking and credit card management, the popularity of credit cards has doubled. The biggest advantage that a credit card provides you is the option to avoid carrying loads of money around while shopping. No longer do you need a heavy wallet filled with money to shop as all it takes is one swipe of your credit card to pay for your bills. Follow the instructions below to activate a bank of scotland credit card:
Activating Bank of Scotland credit card
- Go to the official activation link in the website of Bank of Scotland at www.bankofscotland.co.uk/activate.
- Click the ‘continue button that is under ‘not registered for internet banking’.
- This leads you to the main page where you can setup your credit card account.
- Enter the credit card number along with your date of birth and the expiry date printed on the card. Click on continue to proceed further.
- In the next page, you will have to provide the information requested in the page similar to information provided while applying for the card. Once this form is submitted, the process of activating your card is complete.
The Bank of Scotland credit card application process online is very simple and efficient. The entire process can be completed in a few steps and your credit card will be ready to be used at any online or local store.
About Bank of Scotland
The Bank of Scotland is a bank that has a lot of history. The history of the bank extends to the 17th Century and is considered the most authentic bank in Scotland. The bank is headquartered in Edinburg, Scotland and is very popular in Scotland because of the various financial and insurance products the bank has to offer its customers.