How to request for a quote from Study Island at

Study Island is an online learning subscription based portal that is operated by Archipelago Learning. It provides standard based instruction, testing and practice tools to students ranging from Kindergarten to Grade 12. Study Island products are used widely across schools in the US and in the year 2010-11 about 23,700 schools across 50 US states and 3 Canadian provinces used Study Island products. In that year, about 11 million students used Study Island products. Students can have unlimited access to all of Study Island’s products for a small fee. The programs of Study Island are of high impact and high value, and are focused on mastering the subject and test preparation.

 About Archipelago Learning

David Muzzo and Cameron Chalmers founded Archipelago Learning in the year 2000. Archipelago Learning is an American subscription based educational service provider that provides a multitude of educational software. More than 14 million students from 38,700 spread across United States, United Kingdom and Canada use Archipelago Learning software. The most popular software of Archipelago Learning is Study Island, which caters to more than 11 million students.

Requirements to request a quote from Study Island

  • A PC or laptop with a stable and secure internet connection

Detailed Guide:

  1. To request a quote from Study Island, go to
  2. Scroll down to the end of the page and look for a Section named ‘Additional Links’
  3. It will be present in the lower left hand side of the home page.
  4. Under ‘Additional Links’ click on ‘Get a Quote’ link
  5. A Quote request form will open in a new window.
  6. Select if you are an existing customer of Study Island and enter the following details
    1. First Name
    2. Last Name
    3. Select your Title
    4. Email address
    5. Phone Number
    6. Select your State or Province
    7. School Name
    8. Click on ‘Request a Quote’ button to submit your request for a quote.