Credit cards have become an essential part of people and are considered necessary for people who are shopaholics. Banks, financial institutions and credit card issuing companies initially offered credit cards. However, as popularity of credit cards grew, retail stores and other companies began issuing credit cards through these banks, financial institutions and credit card issuing companies. The credit cards issued by retail stores will have added benefits while using the card for shopping in the retail store. Banana Republic, a popular apparel and accessories brand also provides Banana Republic Credit Cards to its customers. The brand also provides an online service that can be used by Banana Republic Card holders to manage their credit card account online called Banana Republic eService.
About Banana Republic
Banana Republic is popular clothing and accessories retail store that is owned by Gap Inc. Patricia Zielger and Mel Zielger founded Banana Republic in the year 1978. GAP Inc. purchased the company in 1983 and rebranded it as a mainstream luxury-clothing brand. There are about 642 Banana Republic stores across the globe and the company has its headquarters in San Francisco, California, USA.
Requirements to access Banana Republic Card Member account services online
- A PC or laptop with a stable and secure internet connection
- Banana Republic Credit Card
Detailed Guide:
- To access your Banana Republic Credit Card account online, go to
- If you have registered at the portal earlier, enter your User ID and click on ‘Login’ button
- If you are new to the site, click on ‘Register’ button
- Enter your Banana Republic Account Number. The Account Number can be found on your credit card statement and on your credit card.
- Click on ‘Continue’ to proceed
- In the next step, you will have to validate your account by providing the information requested for in the page displayed.
- Next step is to create the security options for the Banana Republic Credit Card account.
- Then follow the instructions in screen to complete the registration process.
- After completing the registration, you can Login to the site with your User ID and password and manage your Banana Republic Card member account.