How to Find Local Clinical Trials Using

Clinical trials are tests regarding medical research (as well as drug development procedures) which are done on actual individuals who may or may not be affected with a medical issue that drug manufacturers or researchers are testing or doing research for.

Interested individuals can opt to become clinical trial participants, especially if they are in fit condition or hoping for alternative positive results that the usual medications fail to provide. is a service provided by the National Institutes of Health or U.S. NIH to help individuals know more about clinical studies, for finding and submitting studies, and to have more resources about publications, health information, and data for analysis.

About is an online resource which offers useful information for patients, medical practitioners, and family members of those concerned about the status of privately and publicly owned clinical studies which are being conducted for various conditions and diseases.

The NLM or National Library of Medicine and the NIH are the ones who are maintaining the website along with the principal investigators and sponsors of the different clinical trials featured on the site.

How to Find Local Clinical Trials on

It is advised to use a computer or laptop for finding local clinical trials to make the process easier. Once you are connected to the Internet, you can follow these steps:

  1. Click here to get to their homepage:
  2. At the top left area of the page and right below their website name, hover your cursor on the “Find Studies” tab.
  3. You can choose from basic search which you just need to enter a keyword, see studies on a map, see studies by topic, or advanced search. For advanced search proceed to the next steps.
  4. Enter your search term in the first field.
  5. Select your specifics for recruitment, study results, and study type from the drop down boxes that follow.
  6. Enter your desired specifications in the Targeted Search fields.
  7. Select your location for a more pinpointed result.
  8. Select which apply to you for the Additional Criteria section.
  9. Click on the “Search” button at the bottom of the page and scan the results that follow.

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