There is a world of information available at every Craigslist site. These sites cater to different services and businesses for every specific city or region. For business owners, posting an ad here would help them to get local and targeted customers to their site or business. For people who are seeking information about any service, job postings, housings and want to put up items for sale, Craigslist offers a simple way of putting up an ad for free. The process of registration is easy and it is one way to join the vibrant Craigslist community.
About Craigslist
Found in 1995 as an emailing list in San Francisco Bay Area, Craigslist is a series of portals that caters to more than five hundred cities that are spread across fifty countries. There are sections that are devoted to housing, jobs, items for sale, communities, resumes, gigs, discussion forums and personals. Craig Newmark who founded the company in 1996 saw it grow to be a web based service from 1996. The company is headquartered at San Francisco and has a turnover of more than two billion dollars. It is presently managed by Jim Buckmaster who is the CEO of Craigslist.
How To Login To Craigslist Omaha
If you wish to log onto Craigslist Omaha to post an ad, you could do it without registering an account. However, on registration, there are additional benefits and facilities that you will find. The process of registration is the same at any Craigslist site:
- You need to find the relevant Craigslist site. if you wish to advertise for Omaha area, you need to use the link below to find the right site address
- Here you will find a link to My Account on the left hand panel of the main page
- On clicking this link you will be taken to a page where you need to enter the email address
- On confirmation of the email address you will be asked to choose a password for your account.
- After you have verified the password, you need to confirm to the terms and conditions of the site
On successful completion of registration, you will gain access to many features on Craigslist. Not only will you become a member of the Craigslist community, you will be able to draft posts and save them, manage different ad postings, get updates about new tools and features introduced and so forth. You will find instant benefits for your business when you register an account at Craigslist.
Useful Links:
- Web address of Craigslist Omaha –
- Help page –
- Home page –
- About Craigslist –